About Hadley
Hadley's journey in giving back to the community began at four, an age when most children are just beginning to explore the world around them. Her heart, however, was already set on making a difference. It all started with her involvement in 5K races aimed at benefiting children who were courageously battling cancer. Despite her young age, Hadley's enthusiasm and compassion were evident in her dedication to this cause.
As the years passed, Hadley's desire to contribute more to her community continued to grow. By the time she turned eight, she felt the need to extend her reach and impact. Instead of asking for presents like most kids her age for their ninth birthdays, she had a different wish in mind. She selflessly requested items for pet shelters and homeless shelters, recognizing that there were furry friends and individuals in need who could benefit from her generosity.
But Hadley's journey didn't stop there. At just eleven years old, she embarked on a remarkable endeavor. She organized a donation drive, an initiative close to her heart, to collect essential items like luggage, duffels, and hygiene products for foster youths. Her efforts were nothing short of inspiring. Hadley managed to collect over 100 pieces of luggage, 20 duffels, and an abundance of hygiene items. The impact of this drive was far-reaching, leaving a lasting legacy of kindness and compassion. The organization that received these crucial donations was forever changed, and it continues to thrive under the banner of "Hadley's Bags of Hope," a testament to the lasting impact of her efforts.
As Hadley continued to grow and learn, her passion for making a difference only intensified. Her next fundraising event was an ambitious double-header baseball game that raised an impressive $15,000 for "Soldier's Best Friend." At this point in her journey, she realized the need to partner with another nonprofit to achieve her goals. Although she had been tirelessly organizing small donation drives until then, Hadley recognized that it was time to take her mission to the next level.
With unwavering determination and a vision for creating a greater impact, Hadley understood that she needed to establish her own nonprofit organization. Her journey, which began with small acts of kindness and evolved into substantial community contributions, goes to show the power of one individual's dedication to giving back. Hadley's story is a testament to the fact that even the youngest among us can become catalysts for change and inspire those around them to make the world a better place.
Awards and Recognition
In our journey of spreading kindness and hope, Hadley's Hope has been honored and recognized for our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact. Explore the milestones and accomplishments that fuel our dedication to creating a better world for all.

June 2018 - AmTrust Caring Kid
December 2018 - Fiesta Bowl Parade Half Pint Judge
2021 Prudential Spirit of Community - Arizona Mid-level Youth Volunteer
July 2021 - Geneva Financial - Be A Good Human
November 2021 Agent of Change
Hadley is also proud to be a Spark Leader for the youth-founded and youth-led group, GivingTuesdaySpark, whose movement is to inspire young people to make a difference every day and create a more generous world.